Haitian – Spanish relations
Haiti has maintained a long-standing relationship with Spain. Haitians have perceived economic ties to Spain as vital. Spain is an important trading partner for Haiti, for both exports and imports, an important source of foreign assistance, and a target of Haitian emigration. Many private voluntary agencies from Spain function in Haiti. Haitian businesses are closely tied to the Spanish economy. In short, the economic and the political influence of Spain in Haiti is very important.
Recently, encouraged by contracts tendered by the Haitian Government with international funds, several Spanish engineering, construction and architecture companies have arrived in Haiti. Three Spanish hotel chains have also developed small-scale projects as the first contact with the Haitian tourism sector.
Haiti serves as a platform for export to other countries in the area, including the United States, and especially for textile products. The import of construction products is another sector that could be attractive to Spanish exporters.
Apparel & Textiles export to US in $
Cruise ship passengers visiting per year
Kilometres of beach
Haiti has an embassy in Madrid, and consulates in Barcelona, Cádiz and Málaga. Spain has a chancery in Pétionville, near Port-au-Prince. The executive team of the embassy officially represent the Haitian government. The ambassador represents the President at official occasions in Spain. Apart from this official function the ambassador and his deputy fulfill an executive function towards the personal of the embassy.
This website aims to provide a Spanish forum for diplomatic relations and doing business with Haiti. It also endeavours to provide accurate news and information for the business community. This website is a joint initiative of the Haitian Embassy in Madrid, the European Chamber of Digital Commerce and the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in The Netherlands.